"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God."
Romans 8:14
Welcome to EDGE Youth Group! We're excited you're here and we and we want to extend to you a personal invite to join us on Friday Nights from 6pm-9pm for food, fun and worship!
What is EDGE?
EDGE is a group of young men and young women in Jr-Sr. Highschool (7th-12th grade) who have been given new life by the love of Jesus Christ, and because of that, we come together as brothers and sisters to have fun, eat food, and worship the Lord. The purpose of our ministry is to Love, Teach, and Reach the youth of this community and to serve them. If you're interested in experiencing that transformative love of Jesus Christ, join us for any one of the times with gather together. We meet on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.

We desire to love like Jesus loves us. A love that is self-sacrificial, a love that encourages, supports, and challenges then to grow and love in a way that says, "You belong to a family, you are loved, cared for and protected."
We teach through the Bible, going book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse to help students develop a Biblical worldview. We also focus on biblical discipleship that helps the student have a meaningful and fruitful relationship with Jesus Christ.
We want to share the hope, love and salvation that is only possible if you have faith in Jesus Christ. So, we reach out to the youth in our community and surrounding communities to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ through various public outreaches and personal evangelism.
Youth Schedule
Youth Bible Study
Wednesday 6:30pm
(Meets in the main Sanctuary for worship before moving to Youth room)
(Meets in the main Sanctuary for worship before moving to Youth room)
Senior & Junior High
Sunday 11am
(Meets in the main Sanctuary for worship before moving to Youth room)
(Meets in the main Sanctuary for worship before moving to Youth room)
EDGE Youth Group
Fridays 6pm - 9pm

FMI: Ashton
If you feel called to help out with the EDGE Youth Group, please download the application below and turn it into the office. Looking forward to seeing the Lord use you!