At the age of 28 Garry Leist stopped relying on himself and realized that a relationship with Jesus Christ was the only real and meaningful truth in the world. This came after many years of failed and sinful living that almost took his life and the lives of his loved ones. In 1989 the Lord blessed him and brought Stephanie into his life to be a wife, mother, and helpmate in a work they could have never imagined.
The Lord called them into ministry while living in the small rural community of Ely, Nevada. Living in Ely and with Garry working as the Academy Commander for the Nevada Department of Prisons was all part of God's plan as He provided opportunity to teach and fill in at a small church whose pastor was ill and needed assistance. In 1997 they moved to Carson City with a career enhancement accepting a position with the Nevada Gaming Control Board as the Employee Development Manager. At the time they had 4 children and were blessed 5 days after arriving with the birth of their 5th child Christine.
The Lord called them into ministry while living in the small rural community of Ely, Nevada. Living in Ely and with Garry working as the Academy Commander for the Nevada Department of Prisons was all part of God's plan as He provided opportunity to teach and fill in at a small church whose pastor was ill and needed assistance. In 1997 they moved to Carson City with a career enhancement accepting a position with the Nevada Gaming Control Board as the Employee Development Manager. At the time they had 4 children and were blessed 5 days after arriving with the birth of their 5th child Christine.
During this time in Carson the Lord opened many doors by establishing a Calvary Chapel in Carson City in which Garry served as the worship leader and an assistant to the pastor for 7 years. In 2005 the Lord opened the door to help with a small Bible study in the neighboring community of Dayton. In late 2005 they realized God was calling them to plant a fellowship and serve the Dayton community. With the blessing of Calvary Chapel Carson City and the other Calvary fellowships in the area they planted Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, (CCDV) in late 2005 and held the first official service as a church on February 5th, 2006.
Since its beginning the Lord has blessed and continues to bless His work and His people. The fellowship purchased a building in the first year and has worked steadily to build and create a house of worship dedicated to loving, teaching, and reaching the Dayton Valley and the surrounding communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Since its beginning the Lord has blessed and continues to bless His work and His people. The fellowship purchased a building in the first year and has worked steadily to build and create a house of worship dedicated to loving, teaching, and reaching the Dayton Valley and the surrounding communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ