Worship Ministry

Come, now is the time to worship

"O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker"
 Psalm 95:6

Praise and Worship

The worship of our Lord Jesus Christ through music is one of God’s greatest gifts. Here at CCDV we believe that musical worship should be inspirational and give great importance to music in our services.
In John 4:23-24 Jesus tells the woman at the well that where we worship is not as important as how and who we worship. The Lord seeks those who worship in spirit and truth. This is our goal and or heart in all our worship services.
If you are interested joining the worship team here at CCDV, we are currently looking for musicians and vocalists to serve for Sunday services. There are openings for guitar, bass, percussion, singers & keyboard. The first place to start is with prayer. Ask the Lord to confirm in your heart a calling to serve on the worship team. Then spend time in personal worship practice singing and playing before the Lord.
Next print and fill out the CCDV Ministry Team Questionnaire and turn it in to Church Office.There will be an additional application, tryout, and trial period to confirm the Lords calling for your service on the worship team.


Read and Fill Out the Form below