Community Impact - Northern Nevada

A Ministry of Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley

Equipping the Church to stand for
what is right in the public square

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

John Adams
Community Impact - Northern Nevada aims to activate the local church to confront the moral issues in Lyon County, and surrounding areas.  We stand for compassion, Biblical truths, parental rights, protection of innocent life, fair elections, safe schools, quality education without indoctrination, informed citizens, accountable government officials, freedom of speech and religious liberty.
Our Moral / Cultural Priorities are:
• Community Compassion
• Child Protection
• Government Schools & Libraries
• Elections
• Government Oversight & Influence

Community Compassion

• Help support our community’s struggling families and individuals
• Help support quality education for our community’s children
• Help support our community’s health & wellness needs

Upcoming & Already Active:

- Supporting Life Choices
Pregnancy Center
- Summer Food Program
- Homeless Outreach
- Grief Share
- Youth Programs & Activities

Child Safety Fair

- Coming Soon
- Equipping Parents with Information on the following items:
- Internet Predators
- Hidden Phone Apps & Their Usage
- Disguised Vaping Devices & Edibles and much more.

Child Protection

• Support pro-life / end abortion
• End child / human trafficking
• Child safety, drugs, gangs, violence

Government Schools & Libraries

• School boards / curriculum
• Classroom instruction & materials
• Library materials & events
• Parental rights

Mobile Library

- Coming Soon...........
A Wholesome Library that will be available for Events, Homeschools and Rural Areas.
- Filled with books that are Family Friendly and Appropriate for ALL ages to read.
-Able to check books out & return when finished.

Lyon County School Survey

- Conduct Lyon County Survey to Help Improve our County's Education System.
- Results will be Shared with Community and School Administrators.


• Voter registration
• Election monitoring
• Research & vetting of candidates
• Voter guides
• Ballot harvesting

Ballot Collection & Voter Assistance

We encourage ALL voters to participate in ALL elections by:
- Visiting Voters in Person
- Assisting in Any Transportation Needs
- Sending Out Reminders of Important Dates
- Distributing Voter Guides

Petition Drive

Organizers successfully collected enough signatures for this to go on the ballot in November. Vote YES to improve election integrity

Government Oversight & Influence

• Lyon County boards & other officials
• City of Fernley and City of Yerington officials
• Nevada legislation and legislators
• US representatives from our region

Our Role as a Christian
in Government:

- Biblical Citizenship Class starting:
September 5th: 8 sessions
- Organizing a Prayer Walk at the Carson City State Capitol Building.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Ephesians 6: 11-12
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able
to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.