"Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6

We Love Children!

Our children’s ministry team is committed to teaching  the truth of Scripture and exemplifying God’s love for children. We desire that each child would come to know, love, and serve Jesus.
Our children’s ministry volunteers have participated in an extensive application, background, and interview process, and they are well-equipped to teach children.
For the safety of your children, we ask that you sign them in using our KidCheck system before taking them to their classrooms. The computer kiosks are located in the lobby near the large fellowship hall and will issue printed name tags for your children and a guardian receipt.
Please keep sick children at home until they are symptom free.
Services are available online for home viewing.
If you prefer to keep your infant in your care while at church, please feel free to view and hear the service in our “Cry Room” which is located in our children’s ministry area.

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Church on Sunday at 9am & 11am - Nursery through 6th grade

Wednesday Nights 6:15pm

Ages 3-6th grade

Awana Program (Sept - May)
Children's Church (June - August)

Wednesday Night

Infants to Age 3

Nursery Care

Where We Meet

Sunday Mornings
Downstairs Classrooms:
Nursery & Toddler (0-36 months)
Pre-K (4-5 years old)

Upstairs Classroom:
1st & 2nd Grade
3rd & 4th Grade
5th & 6th Grade

If you feel God is calling to minister to children,
please ask for an application packet or
download the handbook and application from this web page.